Our services.

Prices remain constant at $25.00 an hour


College Search

Finding schools that are within financial range, have your major of choice, test scores, and GPA are hard to find with such little free time. Our team will dedicate the necessary time and effort in order to build the perfect application list. We take pride in our ability to encourage students to reach their maximum potential.


Resume Assistance

Building a resume is extremely important to the college process as well as a future career. You must be able to communicate your role in each workplace in a relevant and impactful way. Our team at Confident Choice will help guide you as you begin to build your resume.

Application Assistance

Common App and Common App for transfers can be hard for students to navigate. Our team is experienced in both and can answer any questions you may have about filling out information on these sites. Some schools may require supplements (extra writing prompts). We are also prepared to help students answer these prompts in the most appropriate way.



Regardless of your age, it is always important to connect with future employers and see what jobs are tailored to your major of choice. At Confident Choice, we offer assistance in beginning to expand your personal networks through LinkedIn.

College Essay Prep

Essay writing based on the yearly prompts can be a difficult task. As a potential future undergrad, you need to have a well thought out and compelling story. Confident Choice offers sessions to students who need assistance in finding a meaningful topic that will leave a lasting impression on admissions counselors.


Extracurricular Guidance

Many people do not understand that the college process begins earlier than you think. Extracurriculars tailored to a future interest/major of choice can set you apart from other candidates. At Confident Choice, we offer sessions explaining this concept further and conference about what niche activities students should participate in.